Ayush Jain Optimization Modeler

Welcome to my personal website!

About me

Remember back in middle school we were taught system of equations, equalities and inequalities? It was so much fun, drawing shaded region in a two dimensional piece of paper. At that point I had no idea I could make a living out of it until I came across Operations Research. Now, I do similar things on a much larger scale, using sophisticated algorithms for real world problems. I work as an Optimization modeler in supply chain for a manufacturing company in Seattle, Washington.


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Projects (More to be posted...)



  • Minimum Spanning Tree
  • Kruskal's Algorithm
  • Graph Theory

A modified Kruskal's algorithm for finding clusters or forest of trees from graph with potential limitations on total tree arc weight and total node weights in clusters.

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Local Search TSP

  • Local Search Algorithms
  • Graph Theory
  • 2 OPT, 3 OPT Algorithms

Local search algorithms for solving famous traveling salesman problem yielding suboptimal solution relatively quickly compared to exact approaches.

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Local Facility Location

  • Network Optimization
  • Capacity Expansion
  • Scenario Analysis

A case study exploring capacity expansion options for a fulfillment style distribution system with limited geographic scope. The study compares cost and service based metrics solving as far as delivery routing.

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Convex Hull 2D

  • Computational Geometry
  • Jarvis-March, Graham Scan Algorithm
  • Parallel GUI

Python based implementation of different algorithms for finding convex hull of a set of points in two dimensional spaces.

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